GenWatch - Fuel Level Monitoring

GenWatch is keeping a close watch over your fuel levels. Sophisticated sensing technology monitors the fuel levels with an accurancy better than 1%. Siphon detection is instant and will trigger an immidiate SMA-alarm to you or your designated managers.

Underfilling is exposed by an unique algorithm fot auto-filling and trending analysis. Status indicators monitor the generator’s running time, temperature and if the generator’s output power is available – it can also warn you of generator theft.

GenWatch meticulously logs all signals and indicators for trending analysis – enabling you to optimise your instations and schedule preventative maintenance efficiently.

  • Back-up generators for hospitals, cell phone towers, radio repeaters etc.
  • Centralised storage tanks
  • Distributed refueling stations
  • Automatic monitoring of oil stocks
  • Doc yard tank levels
  • Fuel leakage detection

  • Accuracy better than 1%.
  • Solar powered & battery backed-up.
  • Immediate SMS alerts to specified managers.
  • Almost any tank geometry and size.
  • Almost any tank geometry and size.
  • Programmable re-order levels and reporting intervals.
  • Daily health check ensures units are fully functional.
  • Instant indication Fuel Volume and Fuel Level.
  • Automatic filling decection- level increases faster than a programmable rate.
  • Automatic siphoning detection - level decreases faster than a programmable rate.
  • Remote configuration of unit.

  • Automatic exception reporting via SMS.
  • Comprehensive breakdown of amounts fueled, dates fueled and fuel consumption per site.
  • Siphoning and Filling reports specifying the dates, times and volues per site.
  • Detection of slow rate leakage.

  • Continious full control over fuel levels.
  • Instant detection of siphoning and underfilling.
  • A centralised server provides remote configuration, monitoring and control.
  • All evenst are time-stamped and logged for full audit trail.
  • Customisable reports sent on a weekly or mothly basis.
  • Graphical analysis gives instant overview.

  • Hidrostatic pressure sensor from 1mWC+ up to 4mWC+.
  • 0.5% accurancy or better.
  • Maximum Tank Height of 4000mm (please enquire about larger capacities).
  • Diagnostics serial port (RS232/RS485) available for third party equipment.

  • Hydrostatic sensor intrinsic safe - according to II 2 G EEx ia IIC T4.
  • Integrated Intrinsic Safe Barrier - according to Ex ia IIA.
  • Final installation and assembly must also be certified.