M2M and IoT

Machine to Machine (M2M) can be used to describe any technology that allows
networked devices to exchange information and perform actions without the manual
assistance of humans.

The main objective of M2M technology is to access sensor data and transmit it to a network. M2M systems typically use public access networks and methods – for example, cellular or Ethernet. The key components of an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a cellular or Wi-Fi communication link, and autonomous computing software programmed to help a network device interpret data and make decisions. These M2M applications translate the data, which can trigger pre-programmed automated actions
The key benefits of M2M technology include:
  • Reduce costs by minimizing equipment maintenance and downtime
  • Remote monitoring of equipment and systems
  • Boost revenue, revealing new business opportunities
  • And predictive maintenance by proactively monitoring and repairing the equipment before it fails

With M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) we are now able to read temperature, vibration, air quality, acoustic sound, moisture, light, speed, electrical current and other metrics from billions of objects deployed across the world. Besides, Cloud technology incorporating Artificial Intelligence (Ai) spots patterns and make valuable insights that both human operator and consumer can use.

M2M systems use peer-to-peer communications between machines, sensors, and hardware over wired or wireless networks, while IoT systems rely on IP-based networks to send data collected from connected devices to gateways, cloud platforms, or middleware. Data collected from M2M devices is used by service management applications, while IoT data is typically integrated with enterprise systems to improve business performance across multiple groups. While M2M affects the way companies operate, IoT performs similar role and also affects the end users.